Data and Privacy Policies

Data and Privacy Policies

Controller of the customer register

Above the Clouds Oy

Meripellontie 12 B 28, 00910 Helsinki

Y-tunnus 3218840-7

VAT-number FI32188407

Contact person

Ekaterina Nekhay

Meripellontie 12 B 28, 00910 Helsinki


Name of the register
Above the Clouds web store customer register

The purpose of personal data processing
The personal data is collected and processed for the purposes of arranging shipping, maintaining relations with customers, and marketing of our products.

Content of the register
The following data may be recorded to the register: name of the customer,  contact information, data regarding customer’s purchases and deliveries, discounts and username and passwords.

Sources of information
Directly from the customer: orders from the web store, e-mail and phone. Customers may contact the registry contact person and request that all the personal information is deleted.

Disclosure of data
The data is not disclosed to third parties.

We may use cookies that will be stored on the user’s computer for the purposes of monitoring the user traffic and for the improvement of our service. The duration of cookies is limited and they do not harm the customer’s computer.

Protection of the register 
The data file is confidential and adequately protected against use by outside parties. The data file can be accessed only by persons whose tasks require the processing of personal data in the file and who are subject to adequate confidentiality obligations. Use of the data file is protected by personal user names and passwords. The data file is only stored electronically.

Right to check the stored data
In accordance with the Personal Data Act, the customer has the right to check the stored data concerning them. The request for the checking needs to be sent in as a signed document to the register contact person. Official identification is required before disclosing the data.

Other rights concerning the processing of personal data
The customer has the right to forbid the processing of their personal data for the purposes of marketing. Such request needs to e-mailed to the contact person of the register.